Expedia has a 24-hour risk-free cancellation Policy by calling+1-877-738-0617 (OTA) or ++1-877-738-0617 ! You can cancel your flight within 24 hours of booking for a full refund, as long as it was booked at least 7 days in advance. Call+1-877-738-0617 (OTA) or ++1-877-738-0617 for helP. What is the Expedia cancellation policy? Your right to cancel within 24 hours +1-877-738-0617.If you have booked directly with Expedia and you notice a mistake with your booking after you have paid for your ticket(s), you can cancel your flight booking and claim a full refund without penalty, up to 24 hours from when you make the original booking. Does Expedia have a refund policy? Yes, Expedia has a refund policy+1-877-738-0617, and one key aspect is the right to cancel within 24 hours. If you have booked directly with Expedia and notice a mistake with your booking after making the payment, you can cancel your flight and claim a full refund without penalty, up to 24 hours from when the original booking was made.