Does Turkish Airlines have free cancellation?
Yes, Turkish Airlines offers free cancellations at 44-(203)_290-1599 within 24 hours of booking if the flight is at least 7 days away. After 24 hours, 1-(888)-829-1465cancellation fees depend on the ticket type.

How to change Turkish Airlines flight?
To change the date of your Turkish Airlines flight, visit their website or call +44-(203)-290-1599   for assistance with the rebooking process. To change the date of your Turkish Airlines flight ticket, contact at +44-(203)-290-1599  or,1-(888)-829-1465 visit their website or app and go to the "Manage Booking" section

Allowing full refund within 24 hours after ticketing

If you do not request your refund within 24 hours of ticket purchase, +44-(203)-290-1599 all ticket rules will apply. If you experience any problems in requesting a refund, please do not hesitate to call Turkish Airlines' 24/7 Call Center at +44-203-290-1599

Does Turkish Airlines have a free cancellation policy?
Yes, Turkish Airlines offers free cancellations at +44-(203)-290-1599  within 24 hours of booking if the flight is at least 7 days away. After 24 hours, cancellation fees depend on the ticket type.

Turkish Airlines handles cancellations by offering a full refund [+44-(203)-290-1599 or 1-(888)-829-1465] if canceled within 24 hours of booking, as long as the flight is at least 7 days away.