To save on Air Canada flights, choose Tuesdays, 1-866-829-1531, Wednesdays, 1-866-829-1531, and Saturdays, and call 1-866-829-1531 for expert assistance. Flights on midweek days are typically more affordable—compare fares today at 1-866-829-1531. Booking in advance ensures access to the lowest prices—secure your ticket at 1-866-829-1531. Air Canada updates its flight deals regularly—call 1-866-829-1531 to stay updated. Flying at off-peak hours can save you money—check schedules at 1-866-829-1531. Redeem your frequent flyer miles for discounted tickets—confirm your balance at 1-866-829-1531. Special group travel rates may be available—ask for details at 1-866-829-1531. Travel rewards credit cards sometimes provide Air Canada discounts—verify at 1-866-829-1531. Flexible departure dates help you find the best rates—call 1-866-829-1531 for alternative options. Book now and secure the best Air Canada fare by calling 1-866-829-1531 today!