Yes, you can get a refund if you cancel a WestJet ticket within 24 hours of booking, +1-888-829-1631 provided the flight is at least seven days away. You may also qualify for a refund if WestJet ticket cancels your flight due to an uncontrollable event. For assistance, call +1-888-829-1631. When You Can Get a Refund You can receive a full refund if you cancel within 24 hours of booking and your flight is at least seven days away. A refund is available if WestJet ticket cancels your flight due to uncontrollable events, such as severe weather or air traffic control decisions. What Happens If You Don’t Get a Refund If you don’t qualify for a refund, WestJet ticket provides a Reservation Credit, which you can use for future travel. How to Request a Refund Cancel your flight online through WestJet ticket website or contact WestJet ticket's Guest Care team at +1-888-829-1631 for assistance. Optional Service for a Full Refund WestJet ticket offers an optional Cancel For Any Reason service, which guarantees a full refund if you cancel online up to 24 hours before departure. Call +1-888-829-1631 to learn more.