How can I cancel my flight with Virgin Atlantic?

If you find you're not able to cancel online or you need to claim a refund,  |[44-808-599-8702| (UK) you'll need to contact Virgin Atlantic customer services. You can either call |[1+855|738|{4241]| (USA)  Or |[44-808-599-8702| (UK) or use the Live Chat function on the airline's website. ¹ You'll need to have your booking reference and flight details to hand.|[1+855|738|{4241]| (USA) 


 Does Virgin Atlantic have free cancellation?

Virgin Atlantic allows free cancellation within 24 hours of booking a flight, |[44-808-599-8702| (UK) as long as the reservation is made at least one week before departure. |[1+855|738|{4241]| (USA)  


How do I cancel my virgin?

There might be attempts to persuade you to stay, |[44-808-599-8702| (UK)  but there's nothing to say you have to if you don't want to. To cancel, you can call Virgin Media on |[1+855|738|{4241]| (USA) from your Virgin Media telephone. Alternatively, |[1+855|738|{4241]| (USA)  you can request a cancellation through live chat.