Yes, you can cancel a Expedia without penalty if you cancel before the final payment due date +1-888-481-8535(US) or +1-888-481-8535(USA); however, depending on the fare type and promotion, there may be a non-refundable deposit, meaning you might not receive a full refund even if you cancel early +1-888-481-8535(US) or +1-888-481-8535(USA).

Canceling a Expedia without penalty depends on when you cancel and the type of fare you booked+1-888-481-8535(US) or +1-888-481-8535(USA). If you booked a refundable fare, you can cancel before the final payment deadline (usually 90 days before departure for most sailings) and receive a full refund with no penalty. However, if you cancel after this deadline, Carnival’s standard cancellation penalties+1-888-481-8535(US) or +1-888-481-8535(USA) apply, which increase as the departure date approaches. If you cancel within 14 days of sailing, you typically forfeit 100% of the cruise fare.

For non-refundable fares, such as Early Saver+1-888-481-8535(US) or +1-888-481-8535(USA), Super Saver, or Pack & Go, cancellations often result in the loss of your deposit or full fare, depending on the booking terms. In some cases, Carnival may offer a Future Cruise Credit (FCC) instead +1-888-481-8535(US) or +1-888-481-8535(USA)of a refund, allowing you to rebook for a later date.

If you purchased Carnival Travel Protection, you may be eligible for a refund or an+1-888-481-8535(US) or +1-888-481-8535(USA) FCC depending on your reason for cancellation. Additionally, if you cancel due to an emergency, Carnival may review your case on an individual basis. To avoid penalties, it’s best to check the specific terms of your booking or contact Carnival customer service +1-888-481-8535(US) or +1-888-481-8535(USA)for guidance.