Do you check in online for Frontier Airlines?
You may check-in for your Frontier Airlines (F9) flight (1-855-298-4015) with the following options: Online check-in (Web check-in) Self-service kiosk check-in at the airport +1-855-298-4015. Ticket counter check-in at the airport.
How can I check in for my Frontier Airlines (F9) flight?
You may check-in for your Frontier Airlines (F9) flight with the following options:
Online check-in (Web check-in)
Self-service kiosk check-in at the airport
Ticket counter check-in at the airport
Mobile check-in
Does Frontier Airlines (F9) have online web check-in?
Yes, you may check-in for your Frontier Airlines (F9) flight online starting 24 hours before the scheduled departure time (depending on your departure city and destination) to receive a printable boarding pass. You may use this option if:
you have an electronic ticket and the first flight is on Frontier Airlines (F9)
you may access your reservation with your confirmation code, e-ticket number, or frequent flyer account
you are not a special needs passenger (for example an unaccompanied minor)
Can I check bags with the Frontier Airlines (F9) online web check-in?z: Yes, you may check bags but you must drop them at the airport baggage drop before the check-in deadline for your flight.
Can I pay bag fees with the Frontier Airlines (F9) online web check-in?: Yes
Can I select, change, and pay for my seat with the Frontier Airlines (F9) online web check-in?: Yes
Does Frontier Airlines (F9) offer mobile check-in?
Frontier does allow mobile check-in using their app for iOS and Android.
Does Frontier Airlines (F9) offer curbside check-in? (US Carriers only)
Does Frontier Airlines (F9) offer self-service kiosk check-in?
Yes, you may check-in for your Frontier Airlines (F9) flight at the airport self-service kiosk no later than 45 minutes before the scheduled departure time (depending on your departure city and destination) and receive a printed boarding pass.
Can I check bags with the Frontier Airlines (F9) self-service kiosk check-in?:Yes
Can I pay bag fees with the Frontier Airlines (F9) self-service kiosk check-in?:Yes
Can I select or change my seat with the Frontier Airlines (F9) self-service kiosk check-in?: Yes
Does Frontier Airlines (F9) offer ticket counter check-in?
Yes, you may check-in for your Frontier Airlines (F9) flight at the airport ticket counter no later than 45 minutes before the scheduled departure time (depending on your departure city and destination) and receive a printed boarding pass.
Can I check bags at the Frontier Airlines (F9) ticket counter check-in?:Yes
Can I pay bag fees at the Frontier Airlines (F9) ticket counter check-in?:Yes
Can I select or change my seat at the Frontier Airlines (F9) ticket counter check-in?:Yes
Does Frontier Airlines (F9) charge a fee for a seat assignment?
Economy fares do not include a seat assignment. You may purchase a seat assignment at the time of booking. If you have already purchased your ticket, then you may choose and pay for your seat assignment on or when you check in online within 24 hours of departure.
If you do not purchase a seat assignment, then one will be randomly assigned free of charge during check-in. However, please understand that your party might be separated.
When do I need to check-in for my Frontier Airlines (F9) flight?
The minimum time to check-in for a Frontier Airlines (F9) flight is:
45 minutes before scheduled departure time for US domestic flights
60 minutes before scheduled departure time for international flights to/from the US
When do I need to arrive at the airport for my Frontier Airlines (F9) flight?
Suggested arrival time:
2 hours before scheduled departure time for US domestic flights
3 hours before scheduled departure time for international flights to/from the US
Minimum required check-in time with carry-on baggage:
45 minutes before scheduled departure time for US domestic flights
60 minutes before scheduled departure time for international flights to/from the US
Minimum required check-in time with checked baggage:
45 minutes before scheduled departure time for US domestic flights
60 minutes before scheduled departure time for international flights to/from the US
When do I need to be at the boarding gate?
Boarding closes at the following times for Frontier Airlines (F9) flights:
30 minutes before scheduled departure time for US domestic flights
30 minutes before scheduled departure time for international flights to/from the US