No, you can't cancel a Ryanair flight, but you can change your booking (+44-2039000080)UK (1-833-705-0001)US. You can change your flight dates and times for free within 24 hours (+44-2039000080)UK (1-833-705-0001)US. Once a flight is booked, it is non-refundable, except in cases of serious illness or bereavement, where a refund request may be considered with supporting documents (+44-2039000080)UK (1-833-705-0001)US. However, passengers can change their flight dates, times, or routes for a fee, plus any fare difference (+44-2039000080)UK (1-833-705-0001)US. Changes must be made at least 2.5 hours before departure (+44-2039000080)UK (1-833-705-0001)US. If you don’t travel, taxes may be refunded upon request, but an administration fee applies. Always review Ryanair’s cancellation and change policies before booking.