
In 2023, the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 3409, establishing an Energy Performance Standard policy for commercial buildings, often referred to as a Building Performance Standard (BPS). ODOE is working with a Rulemaking Advisory Committee and conducting rulemaking and public stakeholder outreach through multiple phases during program rule development in 2024. Part of this rulemaking involves direction from HB 3409 to “ Require utilities, eligible building owners and other entities to aggregate data for covered commercial buildings that have multiple meters and to report or, as appropriate, provide the aggregated data” for energy reporting. If you would like, please weigh in on Energy Data Aggregation requirements. Alternatively, written comments may be mailed to Blake Shelide ( and Wendy Simons (

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Do you have any general comments on Energy Data Aggregation?

What challenges do you foresee regarding energy data aggregation for multiple buildings, and how can these challenges be addressed?

Do you have any proposed suggestions or changes for rule language for energy data aggregation?